Progression overview

Assessing competency within our dynamic agency setting can be challenging. As we often move between teams and projects, having someone responsible for deciding your level is rarely feasible. Line managers do not consistently work with reports on projects so cannot holistically judge your level either.

We therefore offer a number of complementary processes for fairly and consistently measuring your progression and achieving a promotion.


Every six months we have a two week period of time for engineers to apply for a promotion. This involves gathering evidence of your capabilities against our skills framework and submitting an application. In most cases, this is followed by an interview to find out more about your suitability for your next role.


Instead of building evidence for promotion of all skills together during a window (which can be quite intensive), you may submit individual skills for assessment on an ad-hoc basis at any time. A successful assessment results in the award of a micro-credential for your submitted skill and can count as part of a future promotion application.

These assessments allow you to gauge your capabilities outside of applying for promotion and may help you build your promotion application over time.


Skill endorsements are an alternate way of receiving a micro-credential. In this case, an engineering leader applies on behalf of an engineer for a specific skill. Endorsement is also intended to encourage our leaders to recognise the development of our engineers and emphasise the importance of learning.

Whether you are considering promotion or not, we hope it's a great feeling to be acknowledged when your peers endorse your development.